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NEW 🌻 101-Week Curriculum Bundle
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Learning Activities for Kids Sunday School and Children’s Ministry
This includes songs, games, skits, and misc printable materials.
Craft Ideas: Jesus Died to Give Life (John 12:20-33)
Craft Ideas: God Loves the World (John 3:14-21)
“Jesus Cleans the Temple” Bible Craft Ideas from John 2:13-22
“God’s Covenant Promises” Bible Craft Ideas
Free Download: Christian Music Videos for Kids Church
Lent Bible Crafts on the Temptation of Christ (Mark 1:9-15)
“Passing the Torch” Bible Crafts from 2 Kings 2:11-12on the Elijah and Elisha
Modern Christian Lullaby Music (Now Streaming)
Jesus Heals Craft Ideas for Mark 1:29-39
“Authority of Jesus” Mark 1:21-28 Bible Craft Ideas
Fishers of Men: Bible Craft Ideas from Mark 1:14-20
“Chosen for a Reason” Bible Craft Ideas from John 1:43-51
Craft Ideas: New Life through Baptism (Mark 1:4-11)
Look at that Star! Craft Ideas for Epiphany
Bible Craft Ideas from Simeon and Anna at the Temple in Luke 2:22-40
“Behold and Believe” Bible Crafts from Luke 1:26-38 on Mary’s Visit from an Angel
Craft Ideas: Jesus is the Light of the World
Prepare the Way: Craft Ideas on Mark 1:1-8 about the John the Baptist Pointing to Jesus
Jesus is Coming: Bible Craft Ideas on Mark 13:24-37
“Sheep and Goats” Bible Craft Ideas from Matthew 25:31-46 Serve One Another
Bible Craft Ideas: The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
Bible Crafts: Be Prepared for Jesus (the Parable of the Waiting Ladies) Matthew 25:1-12
Practicing Humility: Bible Crafts from Matthew 23:1-12
“The Greatest Commandment” Bible Craft Ideas on Matthew 22:34-46
“Give to Caesar” Bible Craft Ideas on Matthew 22:15-22
We Love Bible Games Central
Bible Craft: The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 21:1-14)
“Christ Our Cornerstone” Bible Craft ideas on Matthew 21:33-46
Bible Crafts on Obedience
Bible Crafts: The First Shall Be Last
Bible Crafts about Forgiveness and Mercy
Bible Crafts “Making Peace and Keeping Friends” from Matthew 18:15-20
“You are a Living Sacrifice!” Craft Ideas for the Body of Christ
Craft Ideas: Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
Craft Ideas: Jesus & Peter Walking on the Water
Jesus Feeds the 5000 Crafts
“A Treasure Worth Having” Craft Ideas for the Parable of the Pearl of Greatest Price
Crafts Ideas for the Parable of the Wheat and Tares
“Parable of the Sower” Craft Ideas for Sunday School
Craft Project: Coloring T-Shirts
“Freedom in Christ” Craft Ideas for Independence Day
Bible Crafts on Matthew 10:40-42 “Welcome Others”
Craft Ideas for Father’s Day
“Unity in Christ” Craft Ideas for Racial Reconciliation
“The Harvest is Ready” Craft Ideas about Evangelism & Sharing the Gospel
Simple Crossword Activity Sheets about the Creation Story
Great Commission Craft Ideas
Pentecost Craft Ideas
Virtual Birthday Party Games using Zoom
“The Ascension of Jesus” Craft Ideas
“The Holy Spirit Comfort” Craft Ideas
“Jesus is the Way” Craft Ideas
8 Awesome Paper Plate Craft Ideas
Children’s Bible Broadcast
Collective Worship Videos: The Bible Tales
The Good Shepherd Craft Activities
20 Fun “Virtual Games” for Kids using Zoom
Road to Emmaus Craft Ideas
Free Animated Bible Stories Podcast for Families from RoKit
New Creature Creations: Animated Bible Study for Kids
Fishnet Bible Stories for Kids: Video based readers that rhyme
Five Keys to Life-Changing KidMin Worship
Doubting Thomas Craft Ideas
Video Tour of the Holy Land for Kids
3 Simple Easter Crafts for Kids
Palm Sunday: Jesus Triumphal Entry Craft Ideas
Coronavirus Bible Verses – What does the Bible say about COVID-19?
Craft Ideas: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Craft Ideas on Jesus Healing the Man Born Blind
Kids Church Online / Virtual Sunday School
Crafts about the Woman at the Well for Sunday School
Crafts on Jesus and Nicodemus | New Life & Born Again Activities
Craft ideas on the Temptation of Jesus
Craft Ideas: The Transfiguration of Jesus
Heart Craft Ideas about the Love of Jesus (for Valentine's Day)
Craft Ideas: Be "Salt and Light" for Jesus
Beatitude Craft Ideas
Sunday School Crafts on "Fishers of Men" for Jesus from Matthew 4
Sunday School Crafts on the Disciples Sharing about Jesus
Celebrate Jesus Crafts for Sunday School
Nativity Scenes Craft Ideas
Christmas Video Clips?
“Jesus is the True King!” Craft Ideas for Sunday School
Christmas Angels & Shepherds Crafts for Sunday School
Simple Advent Crafts for Sunday School
Fun "Turkey Time" Crafts for Sunday School
Gideon Craft Ideas for Sunday School
3 Paper Craft Ideas for Thanksgiving
Fall Crafts for Sunday School – Autumn Themed Ideas
Zacchaeus Crafts for Sunday School (Luke 19:1-10) Craft Activities
Bible Craft Activities: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
"Scripture, God's Word" Craft ideas about the Bible
Sponsor a Child Reviews – The Best Child Sponsorship Programs for 2022
"Give Thanks – Say Thanks" Bible Craft Ideas
Bible Quiz (Video Format) Questions & Answers for Bible Trivia Game
"Faith" Bible Craft Ideas for Sunday School
Bible Crafts (Putting God First) for Sunday School
Kids Bible Crafts: Giving & Stewardship
5 Sheep Crafts for Sunday School "I am Jesus’ Little Lamb”
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