Let's Talk About Self Care for Ministry Leaders

Today let’s talk about self-care. I know, it just sounds bad doesn’t it? (It has the word “self” in it so it must be bad, right?) I’d like to challenge that thinking–it’s a fallacy and one that can hurt you. Since I’m not comfortable using my ministry friends for this example (although there are quite a few, I’ll be the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Big Church, Little Church: Which to Choose for Kids?

There’s been quite a bit of bruhaha lately about whether to send your kids to children’s church or keep them with their parents in the larger congregation. As a long time children’s minister, (twenty years now) I’ve seen the “big church, little church” debate arise numerous times.  It’s healthy to talk about these things but for those of you who … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Controlling Anger Object Lesson (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Do you ever feel like the Incredible Hulk? Full of explosive anger and ready to blow up at any moment. It’s hard to control anger by yourself, isn’t it? If grown ups have a hard time controlling anger, how much more do children? Let’s tackle that subject with this object lesson about controlling anger, God’s way. What You’ll Need Blender … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Reasons Why Kids Need Children's Church

Children’s church or big church? That is the question many parents are asking lately. When I began in ministry, back in 1997, (oh my!) children’s churches weren’t wildly popular in my area but over the years, the trend has caught on. Now I am happy to report we have some amazing ministries that reach children of all races and social situations. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

More Father's Day Games for a Sunday School

Preparing your classroom for a festive Father’s Day? Better have a few games ready! I’ve learned from experience that having too much free time at the end of class can lead to mischief. Have a few Father’s Day themed games ready and you’ll be ready to go. Here are two brand new ideas for a Father’s Day themed lesson or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father's Day Games for Children's Ministry

Undoubtedly, you’ll be presenting your children’s ministry with a smashing Father’s Day lesson. Hopefully you will have some extra faces for Father’s Day and if so, you should have a few extra games available. Besides impressing the new kids, you’ll also provide necessary activities for free time. Games help reinforce the lesson and they make good opportunities for new volunteers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Spring Funday Sundays for Children's Church

Maybe “funday” isn’t an actual word but it should be! How else can you describe the following three spring fun days? I do love a theme–themes get people excited about attending church and that’s not just the kiddos. Looking for some exciting spring funday Sunday themes? Maybe these ideas will get you started. The Cat in the Hat Schools aren’t … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Have a Successful Team Meeting

Does the idea of hosting a team meeting with your volunteers make you less than enthusiastic? Do your team meetings have a history of being nonproductive? Even if you have never been to a John Maxwell Leadership Training Course you can hold a successful team meeting — one that will produce results for months to come. Today I’m sharing with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Top 4 Myths About Children's Pastors

Children’s pastors are like magical unicorns, strange creatures that are largely misunderstood — that is if you believe the myths about children’s pastors. Having been involved in children’s ministry for over 20 years I can assure you that I have heard just about everything. I am not offended by what I have heard just amused and slightly surprised. Perhaps you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jellybean Games for Easter

Got some jellybeans? Then you’ve got almost everything you need to play a few exciting Easter games. These make great time fillers in between lessons or lesson components. (Jellybeans also make great directions for the check-in table.) Prepare to Play Jellybean Race This first game is like Mother May I, only the jellybean colors tell the students what movements they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching the Atonement Object Lesson (1 John 2:2)

What a wonderful time of year! I sometimes wonder if we forget how valuable Jesus’ sacrifice was–for all of us. There is something wonderful about the atonement. It’s a central part of the resurrection story. I intend to share these verses before and after I teach this object lesson: 1 John 2:2, John 3:16, 1 Peter 2:24, John 1:29. What … More Children’s Ministry Resources