Easter Basket Object Lesson

Got an Easter basket handy? Fill it up with a few items and you’re ready to teach a memorable Easter basket object lesson. Of course after the teaching is over you can share your goodies for a special treat. I like the idea of taking popular Easter treats and items and using them to present the truth of the gospel. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Use Cell Phones for Teaching Kids

Let’s face it, y’all. Cell phones are here to stay and they are firmly in the hands of the kids in your children’s church. As children’s ministry leaders, we have to set boundaries on when and how the phones can be used. What better way to take control of cell phone usage then integrate the phones into your teaching sessions? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Planting Seeds Object Lesson (1 Corinthians 3-5-8)

Spring is just around the corner! Time to think about things that grow and the Master Gardener. With this object lesson you can show children that God can grow in many different containers–in many different ways. I plan to use this verse to introduce my Planting Seeds Object Lesson to the class. 1 Corinthians 3-5-8 NIV reads, “I planted the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Conversation Hearts Object Lesson about God's Love

Who doesn’t love the sweet candy known as Conversation Hearts? I know I do! It’s so much fun reading those loving and sometimes humorous messages before popping those candies in your mouth. Since they are so popular around Valentine’s Day, why not use them as an object lesson? That’s what I plan to do. Here is my idea. What you’ll … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Devotional: Shifting from Martha to Mary

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Planning a VBS on a Budget

It’s the beginning of the new year — time to plan a VBS! As you know, Ministry-to-Children loves Vacation Bible School and we frequently feature reviews on new VBS material. However if you’re in a financial pinch you can plan a VBS on a shoestring budget – don’t miss our free VBS curriculum downloads. Here are a few suggestions to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Encouragement for the Mature Volunteer

Getting older is fun, isn’t it? We’ve all heard the jokes. Your knees creak, memory fades, hair gets little lighter — or thinner. But the truth is with age comes wisdom and experience. Just because you seen a few more birthdays than perhaps your friends that doesn’t disqualify you from volunteering in children’s ministry. If you have a heart for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Life Changing Lessons from the Book of Job

Nobody enjoys taking test or going through a trial yet those are things that we do participate in whether we want to do not. In our current Christian culture, the idea of test, trials and temptations are all kind of lumped together although they should not be. It is true that God does not tempt us but he does allow … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading Kids Through a Pastoral Change

Pastoral changes are hard on everyone, especially the kids. Imagine how you would feel if you were seven and the only pastor you have ever known decided to leave the church. Whether the parting of ways is truly a God thing or something else, it can diminish a child’s concept of stability–and quiet possibly even his or her ideas about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Neat Ways to Improve a Food Drive at Church

Many children’s churches and ministries show their thanks this time of year by holding a food drive. What typically happens is everyone is excited at first but after a few weeks the donations wane and you realize that your canned food drive is severely lacking. Instead of bringing in food that would be helpful for a holiday meal or for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

2 Active Christmas Party Games

Well it’s time to prepare for all those holiday visitors in your children’s ministry. Besides stocking up on extra snacks and craft supplies, it’s a good idea to have a few active Christmas party games ready too. I don’t know what it is about the month of December but kids have so much energy. Fill in the gaps of your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Two Snowball Party Games for Kids

Where I live it rarely snows. (I know, stop complaining.) However that doesn’t stop us from having the occasional snowball fight–in the classroom. Kids love it, I love it. With a little preparation you can host a snowball fight in your own classroom or children’s church. Here are two party games that everyone will love! Paper Snowball Fight: Before class … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Poinsettia Object Lesson (1 Samuel 16:7)

You know how much I object lessons! Seeing everything as a teaching object has become a habit. I blame it on all those children’s ministry conferences. That’s where it all started. But enough about me, let’s get to today’s object lesson! Since it’s Christmas, I thought it would be fun to select a familiar holiday object like a red poinsettia … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Luke 2 Reading Game for Sunday School

Many children’s ministry leaders plan to read Luke 2 at least once during the Christmas season. I love story and so do my kids but it’s fun to make set up too. This year we’re going to play reading game the hopes of keeping kids more engaged in the story. Before you read the text together have children take their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Best Advice to a New Kids Pastor

Congratulations and welcome to ministry! I’m sure you know quite a lot about children’s ministry already but it can’t hurt to hear a few tips. I have been working with children for almost 20 years and I can assure you that is a satisfying and rewarding occupation. Children love the Lord and they love those that serve him. To encourage … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Songs for Kids Game Activity

Need to fill in some blank spaces in your children’s ministry lineup? Then we have a Christmas activity games for you. These games will keep kids moving and keep kids focused on Christmas. This game is perfect for children of all ages even preschoolers love it—even if they don’t get all the motions correct. I like to play an instrumental … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do When Teaching Styles Clash?

If teaching children’s church or Sunday School was as easy as showing up and teaching a Bible story, everyone would do it! However, that’s rarely the case. We serve an awesome God but we’re all human–that includes our leaders. A recent email from a discouraged teacher has me thinking about one particular subject–when teaching styles clash. You know what I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do When Kids Feel Entitled

Kids are loving beings who don’t mind getting muddy to help a friend in need. They have big hearts and feel very deeply about things. I love kids! I’ve been serving them for nearly twenty years! However, they can also be selfish and display a sense of entitlement that is nothing short of shocking. You know, kind of like some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Encourage the Discouraged Leader

Leadership comes with a huge amount of responsibility and sometimes the leader doesn’t always get it right. Even if they do, that doesn’t mean the leader is immune to discouragement. If you sense your leader is struggling with discouragement you don’t have to sit back and wait for things to get better. YOU could be the person God uses to … More Children’s Ministry Resources