5 Spiritual Lessons to Learn from Bike Riding

The younger me adored bike riding. It’s an activity that I’ve gotten away from as I got older but some of my happiest childhood memories feature me on a bike. You remember the kid with the limp ponytail that cruised around on a pink bike with tattered plastic pom-pom handles? That was me! It wasn’t a good day unless I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Exercises that Increase Creativity

In a previous article, “How to Become More Creative,” I mentioned that you should work your creative muscles daily if you want to improve it. Believe me, I wasn’t born writing object lessons or designing kids’ crusades. It took time and lots of practice but it all began at a children’s ministry conference in my hometown. It was my first … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Become More Creative in Your Teaching

One thing I hear a lot from new children’s ministry volunteers is, “I’m not that creative.” I used to argue with people who said this. Like a responsible children’s ministry leader, I’d tell them what I believed, that God made us all creative beings, that creativity can be expressed in infinite ways. I even took some by the hand and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Smelly Stuff Object Lesson (Genesis 8:21)

God is so amazing! There is so much to know and understand about Him! I like thinking about what He thinks, what He feels and what He likes to smell! That’s right, God likes smelling certain fragrances. That gave me an idea for this smelly stuff object lesson. Before the actual lesson, I shared these verses. I talked with kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Kids Need a Children's Pastor

Kids need you, children’s pastor. Really, they do. You’re not just a guy with a cool title. Not just a woman who loves kids–you are anointed, called and were created for this purpose: To nurture, advocate for and encourage young believers. For you, children’s ministry isn’t just a faze–that’s because it’s in your DNA. It’s not a stepping stone to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

PROOF Pirates VBS 2016 New Growth Press & Sojourn Kids

Getting excited about VBS 2016? We feel the same way! Today, we’re looking at PROOF Pirates by New Growth Press. This five-day curriculum works for both Bible clubs and VBS. Using the acronym PROOF, (Planned, Resurrecting, Outrageous, Overcoming and Forever) children will learn that it’s not their works that makes them right with God. The playful pirate theme looks like … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Book Review: The Original Jesus

Recently, I received a copy of Daniel Darling’s new book, The Original Jesus: Trading the Myths We Create for the Savior Who Is.  (Available on Amazon.com) Published by Baker Books, Darling takes on an interesting subject–the  Christian’s concept of Jesus. If your shopping for a children’s Bible, be sure to see the our new articles reviewing the top choices for your kids. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Some time ago, a friend of mine–we’ll call her Mary, was summoned to the pastor’s office for a meeting. From the pastor’s tone, Mary sensed that she’d made some sort of mistake but the pastor refused to give her any information over the phone. Prior to the impromptu meeting, Mary had never been called into the office before so she … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry

Children’s ministry is so rewarding but like all ministries, it can also be very demanding. Ministering to more than a handful of children each week can be wearing, physically and spiritually, no matter how much you love Jesus. Add in personal struggles, personal relationships and other stressors and you have plenty of reasons to walk away from ministry. I know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

20 Things Kids Really Want to Say

Serving in children’s ministry has been the best thing I’ve ever done! Aside from having two wonderful children of my own, I feel blessed to have ministered to thousands of kids around the US. That being said, you have to have tough skin and Duracell battery faith to work in kids min. I may be willing to take a pie … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Encourage Yourself in Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry is the ultimate thrill ride. As a children’s minister, I live in a constant bubble of excitement. What’s not to love about an office filled with colorful props, helium tanks and tons of cardboard? However, I would be wrong not to confess that sometimes I get discouraged. (I know, the shame of it all, right?) Once I go … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Following Up After a Children’s Ministry Outreach

So much goes into evangelism, doesn’t it? Besides organizing volunteers, creating an itinerary and having a good attendance, you have to think about after the event too. You can’t just plan an outreach; you must lead your attendees to the next event like children’s church or summer camp. The key to growing your church could be in your follow up. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ideas for a 4th of July Party at Kids Church

Here’s another 4th of July idea for your children’s ministry or Sunday School. School is over but now you’ve got to contend with family vacations and lower church attendance in your ministry. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break but you do need to keep the excitement level up during the summer months. Hosting a 4th of July party at kids church … More Children’s Ministry Resources